Speaking Engagements
In-service Training Sessions, General Directorate of Customs, Speaker, Istanbul, 09.07.2024
ABAD Decision Review - II: Brompton Bicycle Ltd v Chedech / Get2Get (C-833/18) Decision, Gün + Partners Webinar, Speaker, 16.12.2020
- Update on The Well-known Trademark Registry Debate in Turkey
- Strategic Battlefield in Combating Counterfeiters: Turkish Riviera, West and South Coast of Türkiye
- Recent Developments in TURKPATENT's Practice on Recording of Well-known Trademarks
- Court of Cassation Overturns Longstanding Precedents on Cumulative Protection Afforded by Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition Provisions
- Debate on well-known Trademark Registry Expected to be Resolved Soon
- Challenges and Opportunities When Combatting Counterfeits in Turkey
- Dilemma Over Well-Known Trademark Registry Continues in Turkey
- Can Foreign Court Decisions Concerning IP Rights Be Enforced in Turkey?
- Court of Cassation Reopens Debate on Recordation of Well-Known Trademarks
- When Is a Well-Known Trademark Likely To Suffer Dilution?
- Damages Awards in IP Right Infringement Cases
- Short Marks Composed of Four Letters With Different Last Two Consonants Held to be Confusingly Similar
EGİAD International Relations and Foreign Trade Commission, Deputy Chairman
- 2014, Faculty of Law, Yeditepe University, Istanbul LL.B.
- 2013, Faculty of Law, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany (Erasmus, Spring)
- 2009, Bornova Anatolian High School, Izmir