We advise across the IP spectrum, including legislative and enforcement policies, areas for improvement, compatibility with local rules and regulations with international treaties and contribute to public information as well as representing NGOs and trade associations in administrative and parliamentary debates on IP issues and enforcement related rules and regulations.
We advise brand and IP owners, anti-counterfeit and anti-piracy alliances and associations on all aspects of Turkish anti-counterfeiting, anti-piracy rules, procedures and remedies, on IP related enforcement and Customs enforcement of IP rights.
We set up and develop anti-counterfeiting strategies including public awareness campaigns, coordinating civil, criminal and administrative activities against counterfeiting and piracy.
We enforce our clients’ IP rights by commencing and carrying out all available civil, criminal and administrative actions, obtaining search and seizure orders and conducting multiple, serial or individual raids and customs seizures of import, export and transport goods. We obtain seizure, confiscation and destruction orders and implement them against counterfeit products
We represent IP owners before specialised criminal and civil IP courts in criminal cases relating to anti-counterfeiting and piracy of IP rights.
We tailor and conduct anti-piracy and anti-counterfeiting campaigns inclusive of investigation and enforcement steps, not only for individual clients but also for common interest groups, with a broad PR perspective, liaise with PR agencies. In connection with trade and industry associations or other NGOs we also regularly organize seminars, conferences and workshops for customs officials, police departments enforcing IP to increase public awareness.
We employ our own private investigators to identify and evidence counterfeiting activities online and offline using their diverse technical, market and industry backgrounds, providing intellectual property and infringement investigation services, use and non-use investigations as well as collecting evidence and conducting test purchases throughout Turkey.
For references and your instructions please contact gun@gun.av.tr