We provide advisory, transactional and litigation services in all areas of energy law and business including oil & gas, wind, solar, hydro, coal and nuclear energy investments.
We advise on energy market legislation and regulation, licensing and licensed activities such as transmission, transportation, distribution and utilization, auto-production and importation.
We provide expert corporate and M&A services to clients in the energy and natural resources sectors including SPV formation, licensing, merger clearance and corporate compliance. With the strength of our finance team, we advise on project financing and concession agreements, EPC and O&M contracts, transfer of operating rights, system use and connection agreements, energy sale and purchase agreements, balancing and settlement related transactions and all other energy-related transactions.
We represent clients before regulatory bodies in relation to licensed marketing practices, license terms, and compliance with rules and rules and regulations as well representation before the administrative courts and the State Council in administrative proceedings challenging the decisions of the governmental authorities.
We are actively involved in the related industry and trade associations and closely monitor developments in the national and international energy markets. Through our working offices in Ankara office we efficiently conduct governmental affairs with the Ministry, EMRA (Energy Market Regulatory Authority) and other related bodies.
For references and your instructions please contact gun@gun.av.tr