We advise multinational corporate clients on the extraterritorial effects of the foreign anti-corruption legislation, particularly of FCPA and UKBA as well as Turkish anti-corruption and ethical rules and regulations and their compatibility with foreign equivalents.
We advise and provide training for Turkish businesses, local affiliates of multinational corporations, and assist in preparation of anti-corruption compliance policies, conduct due diligence and carry out awareness and compliance programs.
We carry out internal legal audits on Turkish subsidiaries of multinational companies, provide clearances for local transactions concerning compatibility and compliance with local and international anti-corruption rules and regulations especially with FCPA and UKBA.
We advise, represent and defend clients in relation to business related fraud, insider trading, infidelity, embezzlement, bribery, smuggling, fraudulent tax evasion, forgery, environmental offences and money laundering.
We also guide, represent and defend clients in judicial and governmental and administrative investigations, dawn raids, and disciplinary proceedings.
For references and your instructions please contact gun@gun.av.tr