Areas of Expertise
Speaking Engagements
ABAD Decision Review - III: “Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini v. EUIPO - J-M.- E.V. e hijos, SRL ”decision, Gün + Partners Webinar, Speaker, 17.02.2021
Key Developments and Predictions for Trademark Law in Turkey, Gün + Partners Seminar, Panellist, İzmir, Turkey, 09.05.2019
- Turkish Court of Cassation’s Highlighting Decisions on Conceptual Similarity Evaluation
- Creative and Innovative Women on the Stage on World Intellectual Property Day!
- Recent Developments Within The Turkish Patent And Trademark Office
- Patent and Trademark Office Implements Service by Publication Procedure
- Assessment of Individual Character of a Design in Turkey
- Employing a Trademark As a Domain Name Is Not Genuine Use
- Courts Protect Well-known US Trademark Never Used in Turkey
- 2012, Faculty of Law, Koc University, İstanbul LL.B.
- 2007, Bornova Anadolu High School, İzmir