
Decision on Pricing of Human Medicinal Products Amended with New Price Calculation

On 14 March 2023, the Presidential Decree numbered 6932 Amending the Decision on Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use (Turkish Language) (Decision) was published in the Official Gazette numbered 32132. The Decision introduces a new calculation for the real source price of products where the source price cannot be determined with the Presidential Decree numbered 6365 Amending the Decree on Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use that was introduced in November 2022 (Rule) (See Legal update, New provision introduced to Decision on drug pricing (Turkey)).

The Rule states that products that do not have a retail sale in the country/countries where they are offered for sale and are offered for hospital use only shall not be taken into account in the calculation of the real source price of the products that have retail sale in Turkey. Adding to the Rule, the 14 March Decision states the source price will be the sale price to the wholesaler of the product which is not retailed in any country and is offered for hospital use only. This provision has retrospective application, starting from 9 November 2022.

The Decision also increased wholesaler and pharmacy margins. These provisions came into force on the date of publication of the Decision.

First published by Practical Law in Apr 04, 2023.

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