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The Current Approach Regarding the Determination of the Termination Type in Reinstatement Actions

In disputes arising from the termination of the employment agreement by the employer, although the issue of whether the employment agreement is terminated with just cause or valid reason does not have an impact in terms of the evaluation of the reinstatement request, it is crucial in terms of requesting employment claims. Yet, when the employment agreement is terminated with a valid reason or just cause, the reinstatement request shall be rejected in both cases, whereas the… »

Guidelines on Packaging Information and Instructions for Use of Pharmaceuticals have been Updated

On June 11, 2024, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (“Agency”) announced on its official website that the “Guideline on the Packaging Information and Instructions for Use of Medicinal Products for Human Use”, “Guideline on the Readability of the Packaging Information and Instructions for Use of Medicinal Products for Human Use” and “Guideline on Excipients in the Packaging Information and Instructions for Use of Medicinal Products for Human Use” have all been… »

Data Controllers and Processors’ Turn to Take Actions Now!

The Regulation on Procedures and Principles Regarding the Cross-border Transfer of Personal Data (the “Regulation”) is published in the Official Gazette on 10 July 2024. Additionally, the Personal Data Protection Board (the “Board”) announced the standard contract texts, binding corporate rules application forms and supplementary guidelines about essential issues required to be covered by binding corporate rules. Except for cross-border transfers that are irregular, occur on… »

Court of Cassation Decision Shows Importance of Trademark Use to Enjoy Protection Based on ‘Vested Rights’ Principle

In its decision dated 13 February 2024 (No 2022/4962 E (Merits), No 2024/1005 K (Decision)), the 11th Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation has upheld a Regional Court of Appeal decision confirming a ruling of the Court of First Instance that rejected the plaintiff’s vested rights claims. Background On 11 January 2018 an application was filed for registration of the trademark MONTENT in Classes 35, 38 and 41 by the applicant, who also owned a prior registration for MONTENT… »

Court of Cassation Decision Linking the Completion of Films to Obtaining of the Film Registration Certificate

The 11th Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation (“CoC”), in the context of a dispute arising out of a joint film production contract signed between the parties, agreed with the first instance court's finding that, in the absence of a clear determination in the contract as to when the film will be deemed to be completed, this moment should be determined as the time when the film registration certificate is obtained, and decided that the plaintiff was entitled to claim a… »

Decision on the Protection of Neighboring Rights in Cinematographic Works

The copyright law dispute, also known by the public as the case of famous actor Kemal Sunal, was concluded with the decision of the Court of Cassation General Assembly of Civil Chambers (“General Assembly”) after going through various stages for many years.[1] In the lawsuit filed by the heirs of Kemal Sunal, the dispute centers on (i) whether it is possible to accept that Kemal Sunal’s economic rights as a performing artist within the scope of Article 80 of the Law No. 5846… »

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