

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

Decision on the Protection of Neighboring Rights in Cinematographic Works

The copyright law dispute, also known by the public as the case of famous actor Kemal Sunal, was concluded with the decision of the Court of Cassation General Assembly of Civil Chambers (“General Assembly”) after going through various stages for many years.[1] In the lawsuit filed by the heirs of Kemal Sunal, the dispute centers on (i) whether it is possible to accept that Kemal Sunal’s economic rights as a performing artist within the scope of Article 80 of the Law No. 5846… »

Court of Cassation Decision Linking the Completion of Films to Obtaining of the Film Registration Certificate

The 11th Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation (“CoC”), in the context of a dispute arising out of a joint film production contract signed between the parties, agreed with the first instance court's finding that, in the absence of a clear determination in the contract as to when the film will be deemed to be completed, this moment should be determined as the time when the film registration certificate is obtained, and decided that the plaintiff was entitled to claim a… »

Artificial Intelligence and Music Industry

One of the most striking developments in the music industry in 2023 was the release of the song “Heart on my Sleeves” by an anonymous user named “Ghostwriter” using the AI-created voices of world-famous singers Drake and the Weekend. However, the song “Heart on my Sleeves” did not exist in the music market for a long time due to the removal of the song from the relevant platforms after Universal Music filed a notice of intellectual property infringement. Although the song was… »

Key Challenges to Ethical Business in Türkiye

Humans have to live as a society in solidarity with others for survival, security, and continuation of the species. Equity (fairness) and cooperation must be core values in these societies if these three basic objectives are to be secured. The survival and progress of societies depend on cooperation which in turn depends on equity and fairness. Ethics and the law Although it is far from being ideal, justice is the best means humankind has developed to realise these values.… »

Likelihood of Confusion of Medicines for Human Use and for Animal Use

As educated consumers should be taken into account, particularly when comparing the trademarks covering medicines, it is a well-established principle that the likelihood of confusion between the trademarks covering the goods in class 05 is harder to occur. The Turkish Court of Cassation (“the Coc”) has reiterated this concept repeatedly, so the courts strictly adhere to it and consider a great degree of similarity before accepting that healthcare professionals might confuse… »

Guideline on Medicine Priority Assessment Has Been Updated

In accordance with the Regulation on Licensing of Human Medicinal Products, the Guideline on the Working Procedures and Principles of the Priority Assessment Board for Human Medicinal Products ("Guideline"), which sets out the procedures and principles regarding the prioritization applications submitted to the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency ("Agency") and the working of the Priority Assessment Board for Human Medicinal Products ("Board") established within the… »

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