Hande Hançar joined the firm in 2005 and has been a partner since 2014. She is co-chair of the firm’s intellectual property and technology, media & telecommunication practices.
She advises on intellectual property, both contentious and non-contentious matters relating to trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs, domain names and unfair competition. She has extensive litigation experience and has counselled numerous foreign clients on IP strategies, legal disputes, licensing and settlement agreements. Hande has also represented clients in complex patent infringement and validity actions and assisted clients in drafting complex software and patent license contracts.
Within the scope of the technology, media & telecommunication practice group, Hande’s practice focuses on advertising and promotional mechanisms as well as copyright related aspects of the entertainment industry. She helps clients to draft the celebrity talent agreements, production agreements, sponsorship arrangements, and content licenses. In addition she assists clients with respect to sweepstakes and other promotion mechanisms. Hande has also represented clients in complex patent infringement and invalidity actions and assisted clients in drafting complex software and patent license contracts.
Speaking Engagements
Artificial Intelligence & Marketing – A Global Legal Perspective Europe, GALA Webinar, Speaker, 10.04.2024
Trademark Attorney Training Program, Istanbul Bar Association Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights Commission, Instructor, Online, 11.11.2023
The Future of Trademark Licensing in Emerging Tech Industries, LES Turkey - IP Camp, Instructor, İzmir, 28.09.2023
New Developments in Environmental Marketing Regulation, Europe, Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA) Webinar, Speaker, 11.05.2023
Legal Issues to be Considered in Cooperation of Technology User & Technology Supplier, TÜSİAD SD² Webinar, Speaker, 22.12.2022
Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights & Commercialization, LES Turkey - ÜSİMP (University Industry Cooperation Centers Platform of Turkey) Commercialization Road Map and Best Practices, Instructor, Ankara, 23.11.2022
The Obesity Crisis and Its Relationship With HFSS, Advertising in an Age of Crisis and Change Event - GALA Annual Meeting 2022, Speaker, London, UK, 03.10.2022
Trademark Law in Turkey Key Developments and Predictions 2022, Gün + Partners Webinar, Speaker, Istanbul, Turkey, 03.06.2022
Advertising Board Decisions -VII: Current Developments in Advertising Law, Gün + Partners Webinar, Moderator, 25.05.2022
Advertising Board Decisions -VI: Featured Ad Board Decisions of 2021, Gün + Partners Webinar, Moderator, 23.02.2022
Advertising Board Decisions -V: Advertisements for Health Institutions, Gün + Partners Webinar, Moderator, 15.12.2021
Legal Issues to Consider in Technology User & Technology Supplier Collaboration, TÜSİAD SD² Digital Industry Program 2021, Panelist, 15.11.2021
Advertising Board Decisions -IV: Social Media Influencers, Gün + Partners Webinar, Moderator, 26.05.2021
Legal Perspective on Influencer and Social Media Advertisements, MEF ILSA - Law in a Changing World, Speaker, 12.05.2021
Advertising Board Decisions - III: Medical Devices and Biocidal Products, Gün + Partners Webinar, Moderator, 24.03.2021
Advertising Board Decisions -II: Remarkable Decisions of the Advertising Board in 2020, Gün + Partners Webinar, Modeator, 27.01.2021
Advertising Board Decisions - I: Scope of Gifts Given with Various Foods and Health Statements, Gün + Partners Webinar, Moderator, 16.11.2020
Advertising and Promotion Mechanisms in Social Media, Gün + Partners Webinar, Speaker, 30.09.2020
Key Developments and Predictions for Trademark Law in Turkey - 2020 With a Focus on the Impacts of the COVID-19, Gün + Partners Webinar, Speaker, 18.05.2020
Intellectual Property Rights, TÜSİAD - There is JOB in This Youth! Entrepreneurship Camp, Istanbul, Turkey, 10.03.2020
Legal Planning in Cooperation with Corporate Firms and SMEs, TÜSİAD SD2 Meeting, Panellist, Istanbul, Turkey, 02.10.2019
Recent Developments in Trade-Secret Laws, LES-Turkey and Sabancı University Industry Collaboration and Technology Licensing Office (ILO) - IP.CAMP, Speaker, Izmir, Turkey, 27.09.2019
Investigation of SMEs and Sectors in the Modernization of the Customs Union, TÜRKONFED – Customs Union for SMEs Opening Meeting, Panellist, Istanbul, Turkey, 21.08.2019
Understanding Commercialisation in IP, Gün + Partners – World IP Day, Moderator, Istanbul, Turkey, 26.04.2019
Launching a Global Advertising Campaign, GALA - Annual Meeting and 3rd Annual Advertising Law in the United States & Around the Globe Seminar, Panellist, New York, USA, 21.03.2019
Intellectual Property Rights Training, TÜSİAD Bu Gençlikte İş Var! Entrepreneurship Camp, Instructor, Istanbul, Turkey, 08.02.2019
Commercialization Training, 3rd Istanbul International Invention Fair, Instructor, Istanbul, Turkey, 28.09.2018
Turkish Patent Law and Employee Inventions, LES-Turkey and Sabancı University Industry Collaboration and Technology Licensing Office (ILO) - IP.CAMP, Speaker, Izmir, Turkey, 13.09.2018
Global Advertising – Influencers, Product Placement and Local Practice Pointers!, ANA/BAA Marketing Law Conference 2017, Panellist, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.11.2017
Legal Framework for the Commercialization of University Inventions – The Glakolens Case, International Conference on Managing IP in Universities, Boğaziçi University, Speaker, İstanbul, Turkey, 12.10.2017
Social Media Globally, GALA Annual Meeting 2017 in cooperation with ANA and BAA, Panellist, Washington, DC, USA, 30.03.2017
Management and Commercialization of IP Rights, TÜRKPATENT and LES Turkey Event, Speaker, Ankara, Turkey, 01.07.2016
Patent, Technology Licensing and Trademark, Istanbul Bilgi University - Master Program, Instructor, Istanbul, Turkey, 01.03.2016 – 30.04.2016
Advertisement in Pharmaceutical Industry in Turkey, GALA webinar, Speaker, 01.09.2016
Recent Developments in EU Trademark Law and Its Impact on Brand Owners, Gün + Partners ECTA, Importance of Intellectual Property Rights Protection for Business Growth Conference, Speaker, İzmir, Turkey, 03.05.2016
Trends and Paradigm Shifts in 3D Trademarks *Designs* 3D Printing, MARQUES - 29th Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria, 18.09.2015
Legal Aspects of IPR, International Conference Managing IP in Universities, Boğaziçi University, Panellist, Istanbul, Turkey, 16.10.2015
Technology Transfer Law – 1, AKİŞMER - Akdeniz University, Guest Lecturer, Antalya, Turkey, 25.02.2015
Advertisement Rules for Alcoholic Beverages in Turkey, GALA event, Speaker, London, UK, 01.09.2015
Communication Law, Istanbul University - Master Program, Guest Lecturer, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
Intellectual Property, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University - Master Program, Guest Lecturer, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012-2013
- Protection of Work Titles
- Creative Signatures: How a Work Reflects Its Author’s Unique Characteristics
- An Evaluation on the Trademark Registration of Work Titles
- Bit Palas vs. Sinek Sarayı: A Debate on Plagiarism in Creative Works
- “7 Notes” and the Dilemma of Originality the Limits of Plagiarism and Inspiration in Musical Works
- Freedom of Quotation in Cinema Works
- The Karalis Case: A 20-Year Legal Odyssey
- “7 Notes” and the Dilemma of Originality: The Limits of Plagiarism and Inspiration in Musical Works
- How to Become a Responsible Influencer?
- Dealing With Social Media Influencers - Türkiye
- Amendments to the Consumer Protection Law and E-Commerce Law
- IP in Business Transactions 2024 in Turkey
- Court of Cassation Decision Linking the Completion of Films to Obtaining of the Film Registration Certificate
- Decision on the Protection of Neighboring Rights in Cinematographic Works
- A Current Plagiarism Debate: “Bit Palas vs. Sinek Sarayı”
Global Advertising Lawyers Association (GALA), Vice President of the GALA EMEA Region
European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA), Chair of the Publications Committee and Member of Copyright Committee
Licensing Executives Society Turkey (LES Turkey), Chair of the Board of Directors
International Federation Of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)
International Trademark Association (INTA)
Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI)
- 2005, Faculty of Law, Galatasaray University, İstanbul
- 1999, Kdz. Eregli Anatolian High School, Zonguldak