

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

Türkiye's Update: Key Changes in Named Patient Program

Pharmaceuticals that are not authorized in Türkiye or authorized but not available on the market shall be procured from abroad as per a special authorization and on a case by case basis (Named Patient Program-NPP). This supply can be conducted by public institutions approved by the Ministry of Health that are defined as Foreign Pharmaceutical Suppliers (Suppliers) and currently constitute of the Social Security Institution and the Turkish Pharmacists Association. The… »

Latest Developments on Administrative Revocation of Trademarks!

While the relevant article regulating the transfer of authority to examine the requests for revocation of trademarks to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (“the Office”) was not yet entered into force and there were still a level of uncertainty concerning the procedure, the first development in this regard took place on October 23, 2023 when the Office published and opened the “Draft Regulation for Amendment of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Industrial… »

Constitutional Court Annulled the Sanction for Non-Attendance to Mandatory Mediation

Article 18/A of the Law No. 6325 on Mediation in Civil Disputes ("Mediation Law") stipulates that, should the mediation process end due to one of the party’s failure to attend the first meeting without a valid excuse, that party shall be liable for all litigation costs, regardless of whether they partially or fully succeed in the subsequent lawsuit. In addition to that, no attorney fee shall be awarded to such party. The Constitutional Court recently examined… »

The Draft Regulation About Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Data, Turkish Standard Contractual Terms and Binding Corporate Rules Guidelines

Within the framework of the amendments to the Turkish Personal Data Protection Law (the “Law”), which will come into force on 1 June 2024, the draft regulation on cross-border data transfer was being expected and has now published by the Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority (the “DPA”) for commentary from public in general.  For consideration of data controllers and data processors, major issues set forth under the draft regulation are as follows: Cross-Border Transfers… »

How Turkey Tackles Trademark Applications Infringing Upon Copyrighted Works

We love iconic movies, animated TV series, comics, cartoons, and platform games, and enjoy making them a part of our daily life, perhaps by drinking a cup of coffee with a mug bearing a Hogwarts logo or wearing pyjamas featuring Mickey Mouse. They are not just fictional works but also symbols with a cultural effect and commercial value. This often leads to unauthorised use of the titles and characters of these copyrighted works and any other associated signs, both at a… »

Riddle of Applicable Application Fee in Enforcing Foreign Judgments

Under Turkish law, the rules governing the collection of trial fees are regulated by the Law of Fees No. 492 (Law no. 492) and the applicable fees are under Tariff 1 of the Law no. 492. Article 4 of Law no. 492 also explicitly refers to Tariff 1 in terms of the fees applicable in the actions for enforcement of foreign judgments stating that the applicable fee will be determined according to the value, type and nature of the verdict. The general rule under Tariff 1 is when the… »

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