
Webinar: CJEU Decision Review - The Concepts of Free-Riding and Bad Faith in Reviving a Priorly Well-Known Trademark in light of the Nehera Decision

In the eighth of our Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) decision review webinars, we discussed "Nehera decision" of CJEU. At our webinar; Güldeniz Doğan Alkan, Cansu Evren and Ayşenur Çıtak Bozdağ discussed "Whether refiling of a prior well-known trademark by a third party is a tribute or free-riding?"


  • Summary of the dispute subject to the decision of the CJEU and the court decision
  • Evaluation of the claims of the parties and the approach of the Court on bad faith, well-known status and free-riding concepts
  • Evaluation of the decisions of Turkish Court of Cassation and CJEU on bad faith, well-known status and free-riding concepts
  • Milestone decisions of Turkish Court of Cassation and CJEU related to these concepts
  • Concept of just cause
  • Evaluation on the “Nehera” decision
  • Q&A

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