Areas of Expertise
Takeover of Assets After Incorporation by Joint Stock Companies under the Turkish Commercial Code
(in comparison with German Law), Istanbul, 1969
Legal Appearance Theory under the Turkish Commercial Law
(application regarding commercial enterprises), Istanbul, 1975-2005
Air Transportation Agreement
Istanbul, 1987
International Transportation and its Legal Problems
Istanbul, 1988
Commercial Enterprise Law
(Istanbul 2015, together with Mehmet Helvacı, Abuzer Kendigelen, Arslan Kaya and N. Füsun Nomer-Ertan)
Law of Negotiable Instruments
Istanbul, 2015, (together with Mehmet Helvacı, ABuzer Kendigelen, Arslan Kaya and N. Füsun Nomer-Ertan)
“Withdrawal of Remittance”
Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Law , Volume XXXII, issue 2-4, p. 934 et seq.
“Proving by Commercial Books”
Journal of Banking and Commercial Law, Volume IV, issue 1, p. 86 et seq.
“Consent in Takeover Agreements in Kind Concluded After Incorporation in Joint Stock Companies and the Legal Status of the Parties Prior to Registration”
Journal of Comparative Legal Research, New Series year 3, NO. 4, p. 175 et seq
“Casting Vote of the Chairman of the General Assembly in Joint Stock Companies”
Journal of Banking and Commercial Law, Volume VI, issue 4, p. 667 et seq.
“Concept of Publicly-Held Joint Stock Companies and Certain Provisions regarding its Incorporation Pursuant to Various Draft Laws”
Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume XIX, issue 11, p. 462 et seq.
“Problem of Transfer of Subscription in Joint Stock Companies”
Journal of Economics and Finance, 1976, Volume XXIII, issue 5, p. 197 et seq.
“The Validity of the Agreements Stipulating the Use of the Right to Vote by the Proprietor in case of the Existence of a Right of Usufruct on Shares in Joint Stock Companies”
Journal of Economics and Finance, 1977, Volume XXIII, issue 12, p. 488 et seq.
“Is the Transfer of Registered Share Certificates in Joint Stock Companies with a separate Deed of Assignment Permissible (instead of an “endorsement”)?”
Journal of Economics and Finance, 1980, Volume XXVII, issue 1, p. 18 et seq.
“Problem of whether Founder Beneficial Rights are limited to the Incorporating Capital”
Journal of Economics and Finance, 1984, Volume XXXI, issue 8, p. 33 et seq.
“To whom Bonus Shares Should be Allotted in Capital Increases Through the Addition of the Revaluation Fund to the Capital in Joint Stock Companies?”
Journal of Economics and Finance, 1984, Volume XXXI, issue 9, p. 361 et seq.
“Air Transportation and Applicable Provisions”
Journal of Istanbul Bar Association, 1984, Volume 58, issue 10/12, p. 614 et seq.
“Türk Sivil Havacılık Kanunu’ nun Havayolu İle Taşımalarda Öngördüğü Yeni Düzenleme”
İBD, 1985, S. 1/3, s. 5 vd.
“New Regulation Stipulated by Turkish Civil Aviation Law for Airline Transportation”
Journal of Istanbul Bar Association, 1985, issue 1/3, p. 5 et seq.
“New Regulation Stipulated by Turkish Civil Aviation Law for Airline Transportation Regarding Liability”
Journal of Istanbul Bar Association, 1985, Volume 59, issue 4/6, p. 288 et seq.
“Who can request the Registration of the Property Righty or Current or Other Potential Rights in Kind, which were Invested as Capital in Commercial Corporations?”
Journal of Economics and Finance, 1985, Volume XXXII, issue 2, p. 61 et seq.
“Symposium on Second Transportation regarding Passenger and Baggage Transportation by Land Transport, Liability and Insurance Law under Turkish law and International Law”
Presentations, Discussions, 24/ 25 January 1985, Ankara 1985, p. 1 et seq.
“Legal Capacity of Commercial Corporations, In Commemoration of Prof. Dr. Kemal Oğuzman”
Istanbul 2000, p. 1283 et seq.
“Freight Forwarding Insurance General Conditions, – A Concrete Proposal- In Honor of Prof. Dr. Hayri Domaniç’s 80th Birthday”
Istanbul 2001, Volume I, s. 555 et seq. (together with Abuzer Kendigelen and Emine Yazıcıoğlu)
“Opinions on the Draft Road Transport Code, In Honor of Prof. Dr. Ömer Teoman’s 55th Birthday”
Istanbul 2002, Volume I, p. 795 et seq. (together with Abuzer Kendigelen and Arslan Kaya)
“Is the Abatement of Substantially Exorbitant Amount based on the Provisions of Fraud Possible in Predetermined Land Insurances?, Law in Information Society – In Honor of Prof. Dr. Ünal Tekinalp”
Istanbul 2003, Volume I, p. 961-980 (together with Arslan Kaya)
“Concerning Limited and Unlimited Liability of Air Transporter, In Honor of Prof. Dr. Turgut Kalpsüz”
Ankara 2003, p. 479 et seq.
“Concerning Discharging of Liability of Air Transporter, In Honor of Prof. Dr. Necip Kocayusufpaşaoğlu”
Ankara 2004, p. 553-564
Presentations and Submissions
Problems Regarding Representation in Assistant Merchants (presented in the Symposium titled “Representation and Proxy” held on 14-16 June 1976, organized by Istanbul University Institute of Comparative Law).
Struktur und Funktion der Mitarbeitergesellshaft (Structure and Function of Employee Companies), presented in 2 October 1979 at Bremen University Faculty of Law.
Niederlassungsrecht (Right of Establishment), presented in the seminar, which was organized for “Förderung Rückkehrbezogener Betriebsgründungen Türkischer Arbeitnehmer” “Incentive for Incorporation of Enterprises by Turkish Workers After their Return to Turkey” in Federal Germany by AIR (Arbeitskreis Integration und Reintegration, Heidelberg) and CIM (Centrum für Internationale Migration und Entwicklung, Frankfurt/Main). 22/23 September 1984 Mannheim – Wiesloch/ 29/30 September, Stuttgart- Möhringen).
Problems Regarding Mixed Transportations, presented in the Symposium on New Developments in Liability Law, organized by the Comparative Law Research and Application Center, Ankara 17/18 April 1987.
Translation Works
Swiss Court Decisions Regarding Commercial Law
Journal of Comparative Legal Research, New Series Year:7, issue 10, p. 257 et seq.
Multinational Corporations As a Problem that Needs to be Regulated (Prof. Dr. B. Grossfeld)
Volume XXII, vol. 4 (p. 146 et seq.), issue 5 (p. 196 et seq.), issue 6 (p. 238 et seq.).
Annotated Turkish Civil Code, Code of Obligations and the Code on the Effectivity and Manner of Application of the Turkish Civil Code
3. Edition, Istanbul 2005 (together with Tufan Öğüz and Suat Sarı)
Insurance Law Legislation
Istanbul, 2014 (together with Fatih Aydoğan)
- Obtaining the Degree of Professorship (Professor at Istanbul University Faculty of Law, 1988)
- Obtaining the Degree of Associate Professorship (1975)
- Research for the Degree of Associate Professorship under the Tutorship of Prof. Dr. A. Meier Hayoz Zurich University
- Istanbul University Faculty of Law (PhD, 1968)
- Istanbul University Faculty of Law (Research Assistant in the Department of Land Trade and Insurance Law, 1964)
- Istanbul University Faculty of Law, Istanbul (Bachelor, 1964)
- Private Şişli Terakki High School, Istanbul (1959)