We believe that it will be possible for Turkey to achieve an advanced level of welfare for its citizens and for it to take its position among the developed countries by asserting the rule of law and through promoting an advanced democracy.
The Turkish legal system needs to be efficient, transparent and totally independent in order to ensure the rule of law. In order to achieve this, advocacy as a profession needs to be completely regulated. In keeping with this belief, we make every possible effort to improve both ourselves and our profession. To that end, we make use of our national and international legal know-how and experience as well as our institutionalization experience and generously share it with our colleagues.
Our strategy is to help others appreciate the contribution that can be made to our country by the rule of law and advanced democracy, as well as how they can benefit the business world and every citizen individually. They also have a lot to contribute to international peace, welfare and the progress of humanity as a whole. We want to come together with the stakeholders with like objectives to discuss the problematic issues, and the reasons for such problems and to provide suggestions. We want to work together in order to reach a consensus and to bring our solutions into practice.
This core objective is of absolute priority within the scope of the social responsibility work carried out by our office.