

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

Recent Development on Utilization of FX Loans

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Decree No. 2018/11185 amending the Decree No. 32 on the Protection of the Value of the Turkish Currency and Communiqué No. 2018-32/46 amending the Communiqué on the Decree No. 32 on the Protection of the Value of the Turkish Currency were published in the Official Gazette No. 30312 on January 25, 2018. The amendments made by the decree in full and Article 2 of the communiqué bringing amendments in line with the decree will enter into force on May 2, 2018, and the applicable… »

Competition Board Decision on Price Discrimination

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The Competition Board decided not to initiate an investigation concerning the Complaint of Emek Ecza Deposu for Abuse of Dominance by 15 Pharmaceutical Companies through Price Discrimination Update: The Competition Board concluded the preliminary investigation initiated after annulment of its decision dated 21.04.2011 and numbered 11-25 / 470-141 by the 13th Chamber of Council of State and decided that the companies subject of the complaint did not conducted any abusive… »

Use Requirements, Evidence of Use and Compulsory Licences

The new Industrial Property Law entered into force on January 10 2017. It repealed and replaced decree-laws pertaining, among other things, to the protection of patent rights. Decree-laws Before the new law, decree-laws had set out clear provisions regarding use requirements, whereby patentees were obliged to use their patents within three years of its publication in the relevant bulletin. They had also set out clear provisions regarding evidence of use, whereby patentees… »

European Patent Validation and Avoiding Double Patenting

Double patenting is prohibited in Turkey under Article 21 of the Implementing Regulations to the European Patents Convention. Under Article 21, if a European patent which designates Turkey and a national patent is granted to the same person, for the same subject matter and with the same application or priority date, the national patent lapses at the end of the opposition term set out in the European Patent Convention if: the European patent is maintained as a result of… »

2018 Legislative Predictions – Turkey

Turkey is now four months away from the deadline or fulfilling the compliance with the Data Protection Law, and in 2017 we were all busy with adopting the law as much as possible in the absence of well-established rules and practices, but in light of EU developments. It seems that our efforts will continue in 2018. During 2017, fundamental steps were taken for the purpose of privacy after the enactment of the Data Protection Law in April 2016. The data protection authority… »

Regulation on Data Controllers Registry

On December 30, 2017 the Regulation on Data Controllers’ Registry (“Regulation”) is announced at the Public Gazette and became effective as of January 01, 2018. This client alert aims to summarize the steps that must be taken by companies to comply with the Regulation and Data Protection Law (“Law”). What is a Data Controllers Registry? It is a platform that is open to public where data controllers’ are registered to and record the data processing they are engaged with. The… »

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