

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

Life Sciences Newsletter, February 2018

New Euro Fx rate for Drug Prices for 2018 Dicle Doğan and Fatma Sevde Tan, Gun + Partners In Turkey, the currency applied to drug prices is the Euro and Turkish lira currency exchange rate (Fx rate), which is determined by the Price Assessment Commission. As per the February 2017 Drug Pricing Decree, the Commission convenes within the first 45 days of each year to set a new Fx rate. The Fx rate is 70% of the average annual Euro rate. The Fx rate set in January 2017 was 2.3421… »

New Circular Improves Customs Protection of IP Rights; Number of Suspensions Increases Considerably

The official system for the protection of IP rights by Turkish Customs requires that a single application – for each and every IP right – be filed before the General Directorate of Customs in Ankara; the customs application covers importation and exportation, as well as transit trade and Turkish free zones. It is possible to file a customs application for any determined timeframe, with an upper limit of one year. Each application is processed within 30 working days; upon… »

An Overview of Legal Reforms in Turkey to Further Enhance Economic Development

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Abstract Pelin Baysal, Partner and Cansu Akbiyikli, Senior Associate at Gun + Partners provide an overview of legal reforms in Turkey aimed at enhancing the country’s economic development. Analysis In recent years, the Turkish Government has been taking significant steps to continue enhancing the region’s economic environment including implementing a number of legislative developments. The Law Amending Certain Laws for Improvement of the Investment Environment, 6728 was… »

Criminal Liability of an Executive Under Turkish Law

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During his/her professional life, a company executive operating in Turkey can face various types of criminal liability. This article aims to provide a general overview of the possible risks in relation to criminal law that an executive can come across. The picture is clear when an executive intentionally commits a crime to the detriment of the company that he/she is working for in order to obtain personal financial benefit. In such cases, the situation is more… »

New Developments in Combat Against Smuggled counterfeit Products

The smuggling police and customs enforcement officers take ex-officio action against smuggling offenses as per Anti-Smuggling Law no.5607, the basic purpose of which is fighting customs tax evasions. All smuggled products seized by such enforcement bodies are delivered to customs liquidation directorates for storage and sale. In contrast, trade mark infringement is set forth in Industrial Property Law no.6769 as an offense being subject to a “criminal complaint” to be filed… »

Life Sciences Newsletter, January 2018

Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency becomes PIC/S memberDicle Doğan and Mert Özal, Gün + Partners The Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency published a press release (Turkish language) on its website, announcing that on 1 January 2018, the agency became an official member of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S). As a consequence of the approved membership, inspections made by the agency should now be acknowledged all around the globe. In… »

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