

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Türkiye.


Filing of several Applications Similar to Well-known Mark May Indicate Bad Faith

In a case involving the trademarks SAIKON and SEIKO, the 11th Civil Chamber of the Turkish Court of Appeal has considered that the filing of several trademark applications that were similar to a registered trademark was an indication of bad faith. The plaintiff, a Japanese watch company, filed an opposition against the application for the trademark SAIKON by Enerji Elektronik San ve Tic AŞ, on the grounds that: it was similar to its earlier registered trademarks SEIKO; its… »

New Online System for Customs Applications Introduced

The Turkish customs legislation concerning IP protection was amended on April 1 2013 and, as a consequence, IP rights holders can now file customs applications via the website of the General Directorate of Customs in Ankara. These customs applications cover all imported and exported shipments, as well as goods in transit at all Turkish customs gates and free trade zones. IP rights holders are entitled to file such applications directly, but must bear in mind that the new… »

Turkey: Turkish Patent Institute Opts For Paperless System

The Turkish Patent Institute (TPI) has taken steps towards a totally paperless system with its updated online system, enabling users to file, track and oppose applications in just a few clicks. This makeover, where notifications are also to be communicated electronically, ensures that applications are processed by up to half the amount of time, with the TPI expressing that it aims to review trademark applications within a six-month period, as opposed to the current… »

The New Playground for Electricity & Petroleum in Turkey

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Turkey has been very active in terms of legislative changes relating to its energy market in the first half of 2013. A new law regulating the Turkish electricity market (“new EML”) was enacted in March, followed by the long-awaited new Petroleum Law (the “NPL”) in May. This legislative activity is a part of Turkeys efforts to improve its energy regulations and to attract more investors in its energy markets. This article explains the most important aspects of the new EML and… »

The New Playground for Electricity & Petroleum in Turkey (1)

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Turkey has been very active in terms of legislative changes relating to its energy market in the first half of 2013. A new law regulating the Turkish electricity market (“new EML”) was enacted in March, followed by the long-awaited new Petroleum Law (the “NPL”) in May. This legislative activity is a part of Turkey’s efforts to improve its energy regulations and to attract more investors in its energy markets. This article explains the most important aspects of the new EML and… »

TPI Protects GUCCI Against HUCCI for Class 20 Goods

The Turkish Patent Institute (TPI) hasprovided wider protection for a well knowntrade mark against an application filed for dissimilar goods, considering that the application may be to the detriment of the distinctiveness of the well known trade mark. The applicant, Cevdet Akif Usta, applied to register its trade mark (illustrated, right) before the TPI for goods in class 20; this application was published in the Official Trade mark Bulletin on December 12, 2011. Guccio Gucci… »

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