

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Türkiye.


MOBIL FUTBOL and MOBIL VIZYON Cancelled in Surprising Decision

The Turkish Court of Appeals has upheld a decision of the Ankara First IP Court in which the latter had ordered the cancellation of the trademarks MOBIL FUTBOL and MOBIL VIZYON (Case 2007/7896 E ve 2009/2456 K, March 3 2009). The case arose from a court action lodged by ExxonMobil based on its MOBIL trademark. The applicant, one of the leading mobile phone companies in Turkey, had applied to the Turkish Patent Institute for trademark protection of the phrases ‘mobil vizyon’… »

Turkey: Generating Electricity From Renewable Energy Resources Under Turkish Law

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After the oil crisis in 1973, greater interest was directed towards renewable energy resources. At that time, the aim was to focus on alternative energy resources in order to be less dependent on oil as an energy resource. After it has been proved that the burning of fossil fuels has a negative impact on climate change, the importance of renewable energy resources has been widely recognized throughout the world with an effort to prevent the undesirable effects of pollution… »

Turkey: Hidden Advertising in Turkey

We come across with hidden advertisements on various media in our daily lives, including but not limited to TV, cinema or newspapers. The légitima of “hidden advertising” has become one of the highly debated issues in Turkey. Amongst the overall discussions and raised arguments, a common question comes into minds: What makes the hidden advertising like this popular and actual in the sector? First of all, it might be said that the advertising prohibition for certain products… »

Turkish Arbitration Rules and Regulations

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The Civil Procedure Law dated June 18, 1927 and numbered 1086 (the “CPL”) used to be the governing legislation in Turkey in terms of all arbitration proceedings whether domestic or international. However, the relevant provisions of the CPL were originally intended to regulate domestic arbitration proceedings. Those provisions were therefore not properly responding to the needs of those parties to international disputes. Taking into consideration the need for a specific and… »

Turkey: Electronic Communication Law In A Nutshell

Introduction The Telegram and Telephone Law dated February 21, 1924 and numbered 406 (the “Law No. 406″) has been the governing regulation with regards to telecommunication activities for more than eighty years and despite the fact that it was subject to substantial amendments after the abolishment of monopoly on telecommunication activities, it failed to fully satisfy the demands of the telecommunication market. On November 10, 2008, the Electronic Communication Law numbered… »

Healthy Food Trend Grows

Many countries are becoming increasingly concerned about the issue of obesity, which by definition is: “a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, is increased to a point where it is associated with certain health conditions or increased mortality.”(1) Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, the fact that it has been observed as a serious and growing public health problem has pushed many countries to… »

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