
Environment and Sustainability

Environment and Sustainability

Climate Change

To measure our impact on climate change, we regularly measure and monitor our greenhouse gas emissions and strive to reduce our carbon footprint. In this context, we collaborated with an external audit consultant to calculate and certify the greenhouse gas emissions of  our main building and 3 other service units in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2019 requirements. In addition to the use of energy and resources in our offices, we also have an external audit consultant to calculate the emissions caused by the vehicles used for the transportation of our colleagues, including the aviation and accommodation added these results to our emissions. To comply with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and transition to a low carbon economy, we share our office's environmental performance with all our stakeholders publicly every year within the reports that we present to UN Global Compact, of which we have been one of the first signatories since 2014. We regularly monitor our environmental targets and performance and make them publicly available in line with the principles of transparency and accountability.

Prioritizing sustainable environmental policies in our operations is part of our action plan for combat to climate change.

To reduce our office's greenhouse gas emissions, we switched from the electricity we use in our main building in Istanbul to YEK-G electricity with the renewable energy identity card issued by EPİAŞ. EPİAŞ is a public-private partnership established to compete with the energy exchanges of developed countries and to create an efficient, transparent and reliable energy market that serves international standards. The YEK-G certificate proves that the electricity purchased by companies is generated from renewable energy sources.

Our office's greenhouse gas emission for 2023 is 268.902 tons of CO2e, 36.61% of which is the emission caused by the electricity we consume. We have switched from using electricity generated from fossil fuels to using electricity generated from renewable sources, taking a crucial step towards reducing our Scope 2 emissions for 2024 and beyond. The electricity consumption of our main building in Istanbul accounts for 27.91% of our total greenhouse gas emissions and 76.23% of our Scope 2 emissions.

The carbon footprint is a status that reveals the contribution of companies to the fight against climate change. We will monitor our situation on an annual basis, continue to make investments that will bring our office closer to the zero carbon target and implement new projects. As part of our corporate culture of transparency and accountability, our sustainability reports submitted to the United Nations Global Compact and our Greenhouse Gas inventory report are publicly available.

Click here to access the Greenhouse Gas Inventory of our office.

Water and Resource Management

Our water consumption is limited to the quantity and quality required by human needs. There are no special water resources affected by our activities. However, we monitor our water consumption to implement practices that can further reduce our water consumption by using it efficiently. We share our water consumption values, reduction targets and measures in our sustainability report every year. A task force team has been defined to work on the usage, protection and efficient planning of our resources. We prioritize the short and long-term improvements suggested by this task force and take the necessary decisions to implement them.

Waste Management

In our Waste Management policy, our first principle is to prevent waste and the second principle is to minimize the amount of waste. We dispose of wastes that cannot be reduced at the source, and that are not suitable for reuse are recycled in accordance with environmental legislation in a way that does not harm human and environmental health. With GÜNCE process management software, our pioneering product in the field of artificial intelligence developed in-house, we have digitized many processes and significantly reduced the environmental impact of our activities. We also use various communication channels to raise awareness among our colleagues to achieve this goal. By using all the possibilities of the digital world and technology, we have digitized all the work of lawyers, except for legal obligations.

Supply Chain Management

As in all our processes and operations, we act responsibly in our procurement processes. We aim to spread the principle of sustainable value creation throughout the supply chain. We ensure that our purchasing preferences and processes are in line with our sustainability principles and act to support the local economy.

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