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Social Security Institution Announcement on Imported Supply of Pharmaceuticals

Özge Atılgan Karakulak and Dicle Doğan, Gun + Partners On 7 January 2020, the Social Security Institution (SSI) published an announcement (Turkish language) on the procurement of pharmaceuticals from abroad by Ibn-i Sina Health and Social Security Centre (Ibn-i Sina). The announcement required that all bids from manufacturers, authorised firms, intermediary firms and pharmaceutical warehouses for the supply of certain specified pharmaceuticals or their generics to Ibn-i Sina… »

Drug Licensing Regulation Amended

Dicle Doğan and Fatma Sevde Tan, Gun + Partners On 8 January 2020, a Regulation amending the Regulation on Licensing of Human Medicinal Products (Turkish language) was published in Official Gazette (No 31002). Those amendments entered into force the same day. The new Regulation adds an additional paragraph to Article 2 of the Regulation on Licensing of Human Medicinal Products (Licensing Regulation). With the additional paragraph, individual allergen products and skin tests… »

Announcement on New Medical Device Requirements

Dicle Doğan and Fatma Sevde Tan, Gun + Partners The EU Medical Devices Regulations ((EU) 2017/745) (MDR) will become applicable on 26 May 2020. As a non-EU country, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency published an announcement (Turkish language) on 30 December 2019 advising that harmonisation of Turkish regulations with the new rules is to continue. The announcement notes that the MDR sets new principles for manufacturers, importers and distributors, and new… »

A Comparative Analysis of Content-of-Laws Inquiry and its Importance for International Commercial Arbitration

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How is the content of laws determined, and by whom, in international commercial arbitration? This topic mainly concerns an old legal assumption: iura novit curia, the Latin legal maxim for “the court knows the law”. While somewhat reasonable and predictable on the face of it since anyone can reasonably expect the court to know the law, the assumption paves the way for some serious practical consequences: If the court knows the law, parties are mostly expected to furnish the… »

CJEU Declares the Criteria to be Considered in Determination of Bad Faith

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In its judgement of 12 September 2019, the European Union Court of Justice (“CJEU”) held that the applicant was acting in bad faith when he filed the application for the trademark taking the earlier business relationship between the applicant and the opponent and ruled how the conditions sought for bad faith should be examined. In the judgment C-104/18 P, which was handed down by the CJEU on 12.09.2019, it was declared which criteria should be taken into consideration for the… »

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