

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

Health Industry Regulations in the New Presidential Government

As a result of the referendum, held on April 16, 2017, an amendment has been made on Constitution and transition has been made to Presidential Government System. The most fundamental feature of this system is; the transfer of all executive authorities to the President with the annulment of the office of Prime Ministry. The President has become both the head of state and the head of executive power. On the other hand, although TBMM is still the fundamental legislative body, it… »

FICPI Turkey – Roundtable Meeting on Inventive Steps for Patents

FICPI-Turkey arranged its fourth roundtable meeting regarding the rules for determining the closest state of the art document in the light of the Problem-Solution Approach used for the inventive step examination of a claim, and the definition of the objective technical problem solved by the claim. The issue of inventive step was reviewed based on the closest state of the art document and the effect of an examiner’s view with regard to inventive step based on the objective… »

Court of Appeals Recognises Evidential Value of Agreement Restricting Parties’ Rights to Trademark

In a decision dated 14 February 2018 (No E 2017/11-85 K. 2018/209, which became public in July 2018), the General Assembly of the Civil Court of Appeals held that an agreement between two parties restricting the use of a sign or trademark can later prevent the registration of that sign or mark. Background On 12 December 2004 Company A fıled an application for the registration of SULTANS OF THE DANCE, which was the name of a group performing Turkish modern folk dances formed… »

New Company Set to Boost IP Commercialisation

The Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (the Office) founded a company on April 2 2018 based in Ankara, called Türk Sınai Mülkiyet Değerleme Mühendislik ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi (TÜRKSMD). The company’s sole owner is currently the Office. TÜRKSMD will be able to pursue commercial purposes since it is founded as a corporation and is open to all nationalities, persons and institutions. The primary aim of TÜRKSMD is to value intellectual property rights belonging… »

The Fashion Industry and New Provisions of Turkish Industrial Property Code Regarding Protection of Unregistered Design Rights

The fashion industry, nourished by an infinite source – that is, human creativity – is constantly changing, yet the manufacturing process changes even faster. As the duration of the process in which a product is manufactured and offered to consumers became much shorter, the copying of designs also became more convenient and common. The rules pertaining to the protection of unregistered designs, one of the novelties introduced with the Industrial Property Code No 6769 (the ‘IP… »

The Draft Regulation on Online Broadcasting via Radio, Television and On-demand Services Has Been Published

The Draft Regulation on Online Broadcasting via Radio, Television and On-demand Services (“Draft Regulation”) stipulating the implementation of the newly incorporated Article 29/A of the Law No.6112 on the Establishment of Radio and Television Enterprises and Their Media Services (“RTUK Law”) was published on RTUK’s website on 27 September 2018. This client alert aims to summarize major points within the Draft Regulation. Personal communication services (e.g. platforms such… »

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