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Turkey: Clarification on Compensation Payable When an Employee Dies

The Turkish Code of Obligations (the “TCO”) stipulates under Article 440, that when an employee dies, the employer is obliged to pay compensation to his/her spouse and minor children, or legal dependants. An employment contract is deemed to terminate upon an employee’s death and the employer is then obliged to pay compensation equivalent to one month of the deceased employee’s salary. If the employee had worked for the employer for more than five years, the amount of… »

Trade Secret Protection Turkey Chapter

1. Substantive aspects of both criminal and civil law 1.1 Legal theories and principal sources of lawIn Turkey there is no specific law or other legislation in effect with regard to trade secrets and their protection – the interest of the owner provides an imperfect exclusive right over trade secrets. They are not protected under specific laws, but protected under the general provisions of Turkish civil law. The most general provision that constitutes a basis for the… »

Interpretation of Force of EPC and Institutions of EPO by Turkish IP Courts

The European Patent Convention (EPC) is a part of Turkish national domestic law and is enforced in Turkey under Article 90 of the Turkish Constitution. Furthermore, it was formed under international agreement and as a result cannot be claimed as unconstitutional. The EPC law can be applied directly in Turkey and therefore it is legally binding. Alongside other member states, Turkey also declared and signed the EPC and as such recognises the competence and the decisions of the… »

Specialised or General-Jurisdiction Courts for Enforcing Foreign Judgments and Arbitral Awards?

Introduction The recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards in Turkey is subject to the International Private and Civil Procedure Law, under which enforcement actions must be filed before the civil courts of first instance, which are comprised of general-jurisdiction civil courts and specialised courts (eg, labour courts, IP courts and consumer courts). While the jurisdiction of family courts in enforcing judgments and awards on family matters is… »

Dispute Resolution Guide 2015: Collection of Evidence

Articles -

An effective and fair judicial system is indispensable for a developed country welcoming foreign investors. The Turkish judicial system, however, has not yet achieved this. This is mainly due to the lack of efficient tools for collecting evidence which would help parties to provide sufficient information in a dispute to prepare themselves and the court at the outset of a civil proceeding. Without such preparations, the proceedings become long and complex, leading both… »

New AMTC Raises Patent-Related Questions

The Tenth Development Plan, which covers 2014 to 2018, emphasises the government’s aim of enhancing international accreditation and standard-setting capacity to provide the effective and sustainable use of research infrastructures and to foster greater cooperation between the public and private sectors. In order to achieve this aim, the Turkish government had declared a policy of transforming research centres within universities and public institutions into sustainable… »

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