

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

Can One Arbitrate With a Turkish Party Based on a Contract in a Language Other Than Turkish?

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Although parties to international transactions frequently agree to arbitrate, they sometimes reconsider that commitment when a dispute arises, and look to challenge the validity of the arbitration agreement. Thanks to the separability presumption, the courts and the tribunals insulate the arbitration agreements from attacks on the underlying contract and uphold arbitration. However, the separability presumption sometimes backfires; particularly if one is attempting to… »

Court of Cassation Issues Long-Awaited Decision on Non-Use Revocation Actions

A four-day legal gap was created following the annulment of Article 14 of Decree-Law No 556, which regulated the use requirement The Court of Cassation has recently considered this legal gap for the first time It is now clear that one may file a non-use revocation action without having to wait for the expiry of the five-year period following the publication of the IP Code Background In 2016 the Turkish Constitutional Court annulled Article 14 of Decree-Law No 556, which… »

Collection of Limited Liability Company’s Tax Debts from Shareholders is Now Easier

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The liability arising out of the failure to pay the company debts directly belongs to the company itself since it has a separate legal entity. Therefore, the application is made to the legal entity first for the unpaid tax debts of the limited liability company, and if it is determined that the debt cannot be collected from the company, the application is directed to the legal representatives or to the shareholders. This is being the rule; the company itself is responsible… »

Significant Amendments to the Regulation on the Implementation of the Industrial Property Code

Amendments to the Turkish Property Code were published in the Official Gazette on 8 July 2019 Notarised signature declarations/notarised signature circulars are no longer required for a number of procedures It is hoped that this will eliminate paperwork and speed up processes at the Patent and Trademark Office The Turkish Regulation on the Implementation of the Industrial Property Code, which is the main regulation for industrial property rights, has been amended by a… »

Liability of Board Members Without Representation Authority for Social Security Institution Debts

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The Turkish Constitutional Court rules in its decision dated May 30, 2019 and having the application number of 2015/11192 and also published in the Official Gazette numbered 30836 and dated July 19, 2019 (the “Decision”) that holding the board of director’s members, not having any representation authority, jointly and severally liable with the joint stock company for the Social Security Institution (“SSI”) debts does not violate proprietary right of the concerned member of… »

Victory for Red Bull as Trademark Office Refuses Application for Blue and Grey Colour Mark

Red Bull opposed an application for a colour combination mark for goods in Class 32 based on earlier colour/device marks for identical goods The examiner found, among other things, that there was no risk that the application would take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctiveness or well-known status of Red Bull’s marks The board disagreed, finding that the application was confusingly similar to Red Bull’s marks and might mislead consumers as to the source… »

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