

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

Proper Reasons for Non-use in Turkey

Mutlu Yıldırım Köse provides a guest post for Class 46 on a recent Court of Appeal ruling in Turkey The Court of Appeal (COA) has approved a decision of a first instance court which ruled that the regulatory restriction on the sale of cocktail beverages containing distilled alcohols constitutes a proper reason for non-use of a trade mark in Turkey. Bacardi & Company Limited filed a trade mark infringement and unfair competition action against a Turkish company using the… »

Disciplinary Imprisonment in Opposition to Interim Injunction was Annulled

It was regulated in Article 398 of the Code of Civil Procedure that persons who do not comply with the order for enforcement of interim injunctions or who violate the decision of the injunction shall be punished with disciplinary imprisonment of one month to six months. As a result of the application made to Court by the Istanbul 1st Intellectual and Industrial Property Court for the annulment of the mentioned article, the Constitutional Court, in its decision with the merit… »

Supreme Court Rules Inappropriately Worded Emails are Valid Reason for Termination

The Supreme Court, as per its established precedent, recently found that the failure of employees to use appropriate language in their written workplace correspondence with superiors or colleagues constitutes a valid reason for termination. Background The Supreme Court has adopted a balanced approach between the principle of termination as last resort and the employer’s management rights in reinstatement actions filed by employees laid off by their employers due to workplace… »

Damages Awards in IP Right Infringement Cases

IP right owners suffer huge damages in some IP rights infringement cases as they invest substantial amounts in their IP rights. Therefore, compensation claims are of vital importance for them in order to recover their damages, to protect their reputation and create a deterrent impact on the infringing party. In parallel with the previous regulations, the Industrial Property Code no. 6769 (“IP Code”) also provides highly advantageous provisions for compensation actions. In… »

Key Developments and Predictions for Trademark Law in Turkey – 2019

It has now been over two years since the Industrial Property Code No. 6769 (“the IP Code”) came into force. While the interpretation and implementation of most of the issues in relation to the key changes introduced by the IP Code have been addressed by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (“TÜRKPATENT” or “the Office”), there are still some outstanding issues requiring interpretation by the Court of Appeals. The primary legislative development in trademark law in 2018… »

New Guidelines for Off-label Use of Drugs Published

Dicle Doğan and Fatma Sevde Tan, Gun + Partners On 8 February 2019, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency published new Guidelines for the Off-Label Use of Drugs (Turkish language) and abrogated the previous version of the Guidelines, dated 18 July 2014. The new Guidelines entered into force upon publication. The Guidelines reference a new system for applications for the off-label use of drugs. The system is named as the “System on Administration of Unauthorized… »

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