

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

Procedural Changes in Labour Cases

The Labour Courts Act 7036, which came into effect on 25 October 2017, introduced a number of changes (eg, mandatory mediation) and amended the appeal procedure for labour disputes. Previously, parties were entitled to appeal labour court decisions within eight days from the final decision being issued. However, the eight-day appeal period was criticised by scholars for not being in line with the Procedural Code, under which the appeal period starts from the service of the… »

In-vehicle emergency call systems in Turkey

In-vehicle emergency call systems, which have been in use for a long time, are defined as systems within vehicles activated either automatically or manually that establish a connection with 112 emergency call centers in cases of an emergency. Legislation regulating in-vehicle emergency call systems has been on the agenda of the European Union since 2007. The Regulation 2015/718 Concerning Type-Approval Requirements for the Deployment of the e-Call in-Vehicle System Based on… »

Life Sciences Newsletter, May 2018

Deadline for requesting accumulated receivables from State University Hospitals is extended Dicle Doğan, Gun + Partners On 18 May 2018, the amendment (Turkish language) made on the “Law on the payment by the Ministry of Finance of accumulated unpaid debts to medical device companies arising from the purchase of drugs and medical devices by state university hospitals”, was published in the Official Gazette numbered 30425. The scope of the payment model covers the debts that… »

Declaration of Use under New IP Law: Consequences and Timelines

The new IP Law has abolished the Patent Decree-Law provisions regarding the use requirement of patents and evidence of use. Instead, the new law refers to the use requirement within the compulsory licence provision, stating that non-use of a patent could allow a third party to demand a compulsory licence over that patent. Consequences of failure to file declarationAs the IP Law does not have clear provisions requiring the patent owner to file a declaration of use or non-use… »

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