

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

Draft Patent Law Brings Barriers to Patent Protection in Turkey

The draft patent law amending the Decree Law numbered 551 Pertaining to the Protection of the Patent Rights (“Patent Decree Law”) is currently the hot button of patent rights in Turkey. Since Turkey adhered to the European Patent Convention (“EPC”) in 2000, there is a bifurcated system differing for both national and European patents validated in Turkey. In order to harmonize the procedures and eliminate the differences, a draft patent law amending the Patent Decree Law… »

Are Second Medical Use Claims Medical Treatment Methods? Evaluation of a Recent Turkish IP Court Decision

Turkey has been a member of European Patent Convention (“EPC”) since 1 November 2000. European Patents, granted by European Patent Office, are validated in Turkey without further examination and protected as a national patent. The competence of EPO in patentability assessment is also respected by Turkish Supreme Court and it has been the case law to take the patentability assessment of the EPO into consideration during national invalidation cases, not only related to European… »

Uncertainty Regarding Legal Status Of Social Security Institution’s Reimbursement Commission

Introduction On June 19 2015 the 15th Chamber of the Council of State stayed the execution of the Directive on the Working Principles and Rules of Procedure of the Reimbursement Commission (July 3 2014). However, the Social Security Institute had already repealed the directive approximately two months before the motion to stay its execution was granted and a new directive containing the repealed provisions in their entirety entered into force on April 30 2015. Accordingly… »

Turkey: A Rising Star In The Pharmaceutical Industry

You are waiting in line, trying to decipher several different languages spoken around you: English, Dutch, German, Arabic, French… This scene is not from an airport but rather from a Turkish hospital: thousands of foreigners, communicating through translators, visit healthcare institutions every day and numbers are increasing exponentially; in the first six months of 2014, 162,445 medical tourists visited Turkey. This is only one of the results of the Health Transformation… »

Copromotion of Pharmaceutical Products

In October 2014 the co-promotion of pharmaceutical products became a top priority for the pharmaceutical sector – including pharmaceutical companies, leading non-profit associations and their legal counsel – after the Ministry of Health sent letters to certain pharmaceutical companies. Cancellation of co-promotion permissions The letters stated that the ministry was cancelling co-promotion permissions which had previously been granted to the pharmaceutical companies and… »

Turkey: A Growing Market with Huge Potential

eatured Article: Waiting in line, trying to decipher the different languages spoken around you: English, Dutch, German, Arabic, French… This scene is not from an airport but rather from a Turkish hospital: thousands of foreigners, communicating through translators, visit healthcare institutions every day. A quarter of a million foreign patients come to Turkey each year for medical treatment – and this number is increasing exponentially. This is only one of the results of… »

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