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A Profession in Irons

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Since significant liberalisation of its national economy in the 1980s, Turkey, has become a pivotal part of the international economy and weathered the economic crises between the 1980s and 2000. Turkey’s exports continue to break records, while trade deficit levels continue to drop. Commensurate with her unique strategic position, Turkey is busy enhancing her international diplomatic, economic and cultural relations, unleashing enormous opportunities, not only for the… »

Constitutional Court Annuls Article 42/1(c) of Decree-Law 556

Following an application for the annulment of Article 42/1(c) of Decree-Law 556 on the ground of unconstitutionality, referred by the Fourth IP Court of Istanbul, the Turkish Constitutional Court has ordered the annulment of that provision (Decision 2013/147 E 2014/75 K, April 9 2014). The decision of the Constitutional Court entered into force upon its publication in the Official Gazette No 29070 on July 24 2014.Article 42/1(c) of Decree-Law 556 reads as follows: “A… »

Arbitrating Intellectual Property Disputes

§11.01 INTRODUCTION Intellectual property rights (IPRs (IPR in the singular meaning)) have become the most valuable assets in the modern times of the global economy. The strength and financial importance of IPRs has also been well recognized in Turkey since 1995, the year of ‘Turkish IPR revolution’; the Turkish legal system relating to IPRs was amended to ensure conformity with the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)1 and other… »

EPIAS: A Review of the New Energy Market Operating Company

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Introduction In March 2013 a new Electricity Market Law was enacted, with the aim of improving energy regulation and attracting greater investment in the electricity market. One of the highlights was the introduction of EPIAS, the new energy market operating company, which would establish and operate an electricity stock exchange, among other activities. EPIAS was initially planned to commence operations in October 2013, but it took longer than expected to lay the groundwork… »

E-health Services: a New Era

E-health services are proving increasingly popular; but many questions remain to be answered before their use becomes mainstream, including in relation to their scope, safety and regulation. Scope and aim The World Health Organisation has defined ‘e-health’ as the provision of health resources and healthcare through electronic means. The objectives of e-health services are to increase the efficiency of healthcare services by reducing costs and saving time. In this regard, the… »

Public-Private Partnerships in the Healthcare Sector

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Introduction In February 2014 Minister of Health Mehmet Müezzinoğlu made the following announcement: “We aim to show the brand value of health in Turkey to the neighbouring region comprising a population of 1 billion; and increase healthcare tourism revenue from $2.5 billion to $10 billion in the next five years. Here we hope to succeed in establishing centres providing healthcare services to the people of our country and to our future by combining intelligence capital… »

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