

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

FICPI Turkish Section under the Spotlight

The initiative for the foundation of the FICPI Turkish section was started in 2012 by a handful of Turkish practitioners, who were individual members of FICPI. The aim of founding the National Section was to be more active within FICPI as Turkish members and to help shape the IP system in our country by keeping abreast of the developments in the world. With the support of President of FICPI at that time, Mr Bastiaan Koester, the FICPI Bureau and the FICPI officers, various… »

Good News for Owners of IR Designations as Trademark Office Changes its Practice in Opposition Proceedings

The Trademark Office has recently changed its practice in opposition proceedings with regard to national designations of IRs The office has started to notify IR owners via WIPO when an opposition is filed against their designations in Turkey The difference in treatment between IR designations and national applications had been widely criticised The Turkish Patent and Trademark Office has recently changed its practice in opposition proceedings with regard to national… »

Turkish Average Consumers: Healthcare Professionals or End Users?

In December 2019, the Court of Appeal issued two decisions in which the nature of consumers has been scrutinized while assessing likelihood of confusion between pharmaceutical trade marks. Infantum v Infanta A trade mark application INFANTUM was filed before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (the Office) covering goods in classes 3 and 5, against which an opposition was filed based on the prior registered trade mark INFANTA covering the same classes.The opposition was… »

Recent Developments about Unbreakable Deadlock in Consumer Disputes: Mediation and Solution Proposals

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Introduction The fair and swift resolution of consumer disputes serves the interests of not only the consumers, but also the businesses involved. Consumers purchase more when they are confident that they will be treated fairly in a potential dispute. Businesses, on the other hand, become economically inoperable and unviable following systematic violations against consumers and the rapid and fair enforcement of consumer rights. In short, all market players are better off in an… »

Commercial Dispute Resolution under Turkish Law: Rules, Developments and Insights

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Commercial Dispute Resolution under Turkish Law: Rules, Developments and Insights Turkish civil litigation is a unique system where the concepts and practices of civil law meet with the ones originating from Turkish law. Along with the classical and common judiciary concepts and practices among civil law systems, Turkish law envisages a sui generis concept called “enforcement proceedings without judgment”. This frequently-resorted type of enforcement action is native to… »

Advertisement Board Imposed Sanctions against Exorbitant Price Increase during COVID-19 Outbreak

While the world and Turkey are dealing with coronavirus pandemic, demand for protective masks, sanitizer, cleaning products and foodstuff significantly increased. Some manufacturers, suppliers and retail businesses exorbitantly and inequitably increased prices of those products which are intensively demanded by the consumers during this outbreak. The Advertisement Board, recently in March 2020, imposed administrative monetary fine corresponding to TRL 10.090.060… »

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