

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

Processing of Personal Data without Consent as Expressly Stipulated by Laws

On February 12, 2024, the Personal Data Protection Authority ("Authority") published an Information Note on the Personal Data Processing Based on the Legal Reason Applicable to Processing Required for the Laws ("Information Note") and made assessments under Turkish law and EU law regarding the processing of personal data in cases stipulated by laws. Although the Information Note mostly includes general scholar explanations from Turkish law and EU law perspectives, we would… »

Agency Opinion on Health Claims in Food and Food Supplements Can Now Be Requested

The Regulation on the Use of Health Claims for Food and Food Supplements (“Regulation”) entered into force as of its publication on the Official Gazette dated 20 April 2023, and numbered 32169; and the requirement for obtaining approval from the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency ("Agency") under the Ministry of Health for the use of health claims in the labelling, promotion or advertisement of food supplements was abolished. Following this development, the Agency… »

Thoughts On 2023 Corruption Perception Index

Transparency International released the 2023 Corruption Perception Index (“2023 CPI”) on January 30, 2024. Widely regarded as the key reference point in this field, the annual CPI aims to measure the corruption perceptions in the public sector over various sources such as the World Bank, World Economic Forum, private risk and consulting firms and think-tanks. In the recent years, the Russian-Ukrainian war, the conflict growing violent between Israel and Hamas in Palestine… »

Freedom of Quotation in Cinema Works

With respect to lawsuits filed in the scope of Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works (“FSEK") No. 5846, an important standard in terms of plagiarism is the limits of freedom of quotation. According to Article 35 of the FSEK, in order to make a quotation from a work, it is necessary to; (i) incorporate some sentences and paragraphs of a work made public, into another work of science and literature, (ii) incorporate certain elements of a published composition, at the… »

Advertisement Board Issued New Principles for Preventing Misleading Loyalty Programs

The Advertisement Board ("Board") amended the "Guideline on Advertisements Containing Price Information, Discount Sale Advertisements and Commercial Practices" ("Guideline") in its meeting dated 09.01.2024 and numbered 341, introduced new principles for loyalty programs. Loyalty programs are generally defined as practices that allow consumers to collect points towards future purchases. The Board has observed that loyalty programs have recently turned into a discount sales… »

What Copyright and Trademark Owners Should Know About the Approach to NFTs in the Republic of Türkiye

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have grown in popularity since first entering public consciousness in 2021. They are digital tokens and may represent unique—virtual or real-world—items including songs, artworks, GIFs, virtual game items, videos, and cartoons. NFTs are created using blockchain technology and primarily operate within Ethereum, a blockchain platform with automated (smart) transactions. NTFs cannot be exchanged or replaced. The NFT is technically not the asset… »

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