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PTO Prepares for Administrative Revocation of Trademarks

Article 26 of the Industrial Property Code, which grants the PTO the authority to revoke trademarks, will come into force on 10 January 2024 The PTO has recently released a draft regulation for comment The draft regulation includes procedural details on how revocation requests will be made before the PTO Background The Industrial Property Code No 6769 (IP Code), which entered into force on 10 January 2017, provides that the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) has… »

Is Alternative Dispute Resolution Effective Enough for “.tr” Domain Names?

This article discusses the alternative dispute resolution mechanism for ".tr" domain names in Türkiye. It highlights the efficiency of the alternative dispute resolution mechanism and addresses some concerns over the transparency of proceedings. TRABIS (".tr" Network Information System), established by the Turkish Information and Communication Technologies Authority ("BTK"), became operational on September 14, 2022 and undertook the management of ".tr" domain names. Upon… »

A Practical Overview of Disclosure of Trade Secret as a Criminal Offense

Trade secrets bear critical value for companies to stand out and become distinct from their competitors in the competitive market conditions. Indeed, companies are often exposed to significant risks arising from the disclosure of trade secrets due to misconduct of certain individuals having access to these secrets. Therefore, confidentiality of these secrets, which bear commercial value and provide a competitive advantage, is almost crucial for companies to survive. In this… »

Minority Shareholders' Rights in Joint Stock Companies

In order to prevent the majority shareholders, who hold the superiority of capital and voting in the management of joint stock companies, from executing unfair and unjust acts against the minority shareholders and violating the rights of the minority shareholders, the legislator has granted some special rights to the minority shareholders and allowed them to protect their interests against the decisions taken with the influence of the majority. Thus, the balance of interests… »

Guideline on Scientific Meetings on Medical Devices Updated

On 22 August 2023, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (Agency) announced an updated Guideline on Scientific Meetings and Educational Activities to be Held in Accordance with the Regulation on Sales, Advertising and Promotion of Medical Devices (Turkish language) (Guideline) on its official website. The Guideline replaced the previous version dated 15 November 2022. The Guideline was updated shortly after the revision made to the Regulation on Sales, Advertising… »

Work Bearing The Characteristics of Its Author - “Selvi Boylum Al Yazmalım”

The decision of the 11th Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation dated 24.05.2022 and numbered 2020/8509 E. 2022/3996 K. has been enlightening both in terms of the examination of the distinctive signs of the work and the works bearing the characteristics of the author, and in terms of the amendments made to the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, especially regarding cinematographic works. A. Summary of the Case The lawsuit subject to the decision was filed by the… »

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