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PTO Confirms Similarity of Virtual and Physical Goods in Landmark Decision

A company based in the US opposed an application for goods and services in Classes 25 and 35 based on an earlier mark in Classes 9, 35 and 41 The PTO found that the physical goods/services covered by the application were similar to the virtual and online goods/services covered by the opponent’s mark The similarity of virtual and physical goods/services has recently been a hot topic across the world In a decision issued on 31 March 2023 (which was subsequently finalised)… »

Payment Calculation Method For Journalist Severance Has Changed

Introduction Law No. 5953 on Arrangement of Relations Between Employers and Employees in the Field of Press (Press Labour Law) sets out the terms and conditions of employment of journalists. Article 6 of the Press Labour Law regulates journalists' entitlement to severance payment and termination of their employment contracts by employers. According to the former wording of the referred article, journalists with at least five years of professional service were entitled to… »

PTO Decision Sheds Light on Protection of Well-known Trademarks

The PTO partially upheld HP Hewlett Packard’s opposition against a mark containing the element ‘HP’ based only on the likelihood of confusion ground On appeal, the board upheld the opponent’s well-known trademark claim Notably, the opponent’s evidence showed the HP marks used in a blue colour and the contested mark displayed the same colour The Re-examination and Evaluation Board of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) has rejected a trademark application that… »

The Constitutional Court Rules that the Competition Board's On-Site Inspection Without a Judge's Decision Violates the Right to Immunity of Residence

In 2009, the Turkish Competition Authority (“Authority”) had conducted a preliminary investigation to determine whether there was a violation of Article 4 of Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition ("Law No. 4054"), regarding restrictive agreements, concerted practices, and decisions about price, production, and sales information and forecasts among undertakings being members of the Automotive Distributors Association and the Automotive Industry Association. As a result… »

The Rise of Online Advertising and The Problems Related to Competition Law

Recently, with the fast development of the technology and the extensive use of communication tools and the internet, marketing strategies have also experienced a significant change. Traditional marketing methods have been rapidly replaced by online advertising. Online advertising, which is a form of advertising that utilizes various internet-based channels, as a marketing strategy used on digital platforms to increase trademark popularity, promote sales and create consumer… »

Regulation Amending the Regulation on Insurance Arbitration Has Been Published

The Regulation Amending the Regulation on Insurance Arbitration ("Regulation") entered into force following its publication in the Official Gazette dated 07 June 2023 and numbered 32214.  Separate and aside from the additions made to the definitions article and the expanded duties of the Presidency of the Commission especially regarding the expert lists, the Regulation introduced specific arrangements regarding the working procedures of reporters and objection authorities and… »

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