

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

A New Era in .Tr Extended Domain Names - and a New Issue Waiting for a Solution

Nic.tr (".tr" Domain Name Management), established under the auspices of Middle East Technical University ("METU"), has been managing ".tr" domain names and dispute resolution processes related to these domain names since 1991. According to Article 35 of the Electronic Communications Law No. 5809 and the Internet Domain Names Regulation, TRABIS (".tr" Network Information System), established by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority ("BTK"), became… »

Decision on Pricing of Human Medicinal Products Amended with New Price Calculation

On 14 March 2023, the Presidential Decree numbered 6932 Amending the Decision on Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use (Turkish Language) (Decision) was published in the Official Gazette numbered 32132. The Decision introduces a new calculation for the real source price of products where the source price cannot be determined with the Presidential Decree numbered 6365 Amending the Decree on Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use that was introduced in November 2022… »

Medicines and Medical Devices Agency Publishes Guideline on Co-Marketing

On 17 February 2023, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (Agency) made an announcement (Turkish language) on its official website that it had published a Guideline on Human Medicinal Products that are Co-marketed (Guideline). The Guideline came into force on the day of its publication. The Guideline aims to provide guidance on licensing of co-marketed human medicinal products, cancellation or suspension of the main product's marketing authorisation and… »

Law on the Protection of Personal Data and Its Application

On April 7, 2016, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (“Law”) came into force in Turkey as a special law regarding the protection of personal data. The Law is a step towards harmonising Turkish legislation with EU legislation, and it was prepared based on Directive 95/46/EC on data protection (“Data Protection Directive”). Although the Law is very similar to the Data Protection Directive, certain principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) were also… »

Lawful Personal Data Processing

Personal data can be processed based on the following legal grounds: If explicit consent of the data subject is obtained. If processing is clearly proposed. If processing is mandatory for the protection of life or to prevent the physical injury of a person in cases where that person cannot express consent or whose consent is legally invalid due to physical disabilities. If processing is necessary for and directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract and… »

Explicit Consent under Data Protection Law

Explicit consent has been defined as consent that relates to a specified issue, declared by free will, and based on information. As the definition suggest, the Law stipulates that no kind of “blanket consent” of not limited to a specific subject or transaction will be valid. For example, consent such as "I allow all kinds of data processing activities", will not suffice under the Law. The data subject must know for what s/he is giving consent and must clearly express his/her… »

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