

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

Turkey is Welcoming The Long Awaited Industrial Property Code

The long-awaited Industrial Property Code (“the IP Code”) has entered into force as of today, being published in the Official Gazette. The IP Code replaces the Decree-Laws pertaining to the protection of Trademarks, Patents, Geographical Indications and Industrial Designs, by unifying them into a single code. The Code was prepared to provide compliance with recent developments in EU IP Law, to restore the gaps due to the decisions of the Constitutional Court annulling various… »

Global News Roundup — 2017 Legislative Predictions, Turkey Chapter

On October 20, 2016, the Ministry of Health published the “Regulation on the Processing of Personal Health Data and Maintenance of Privacy.” The regulation introduced detailed provisions regarding the processing and transfer of personal health data, particularly in relation to the format of consent and the requirement for anonymization before transfer. While the regulation primarily contains measures that must be taken by health care service providers and other associated… »

Life Science Newsletter December 2016

Turkish Pharmacists Association fined EUR 5 million for abusing dominant position Özge Atılgan Karakulak and Bensu Aydın, Gün + Partners On 6 December 2016, the Turkish Competition Authority (TCA) imposed a TRY 19 million (approximately EUR 5 million) fine on the Turkish Pharmacists Association for abuse of dominant position and for anti-competitive exclusive agreements relating to the import of drugs within the named patient programme (NPP). In May 2016, the Ministry of… »

Trademark Litigation 2017, A Global Guide, Turkey Chapter

Legislative framework and causes of action Turkey is a party to most major international treaties relating to intellectual property, including the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. Turkey is also a member of international organisations such as the World Trade Organisation that have a connection with intellectual property. At national level, Decree Law 556 Pertaining… »

Turkey Introduces Customs Training Seminars

Due to its location in the worldwide trade route, Turkey has a vital role in the fight against counterfeiting. The European Union and the Turkish government are therefore working together to increase training for Turkish customs officials and are looking to involve IP rights (IPR) holders wherever possible. The latest customs training project organised by the Turkish Ministry of Customs and Trade (MoCT) in cooperation with the European Union involves a number of activities in… »

Anti-Money Laundering Measures Tightened Following Failed Coup Attempt

Articles -

Introduction Following the failed coup attempt and subsequent unrest, the Council of Ministers declared a state of emergency on July 20 2016.(1) The state of emergency authorises the Council of Ministers to take immediate measures, including via executive orders. Executive Order 667 was the first order issued after the state of emergency was declared. It shut down a number of public and private institutions and many civil servants were discharged from their positions due to… »

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