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Consequences of Decisions in Cases Requiring Technical Expertise Without Expert Examination in Administrative Trials

Introduction Article 31 of the Administrative Procedure Code No. 2577 (“APC”) sets out the cases to which Civil Procedure Code No. 6100 (“CPC”) shall apply where IYUK contains no provisions. As per the referred provision, CPC shall apply to expert examinations. According to Article 266 of the CPC, courts decide to obtain expert opinion in cases where the resolution require special or technical information other than law, ex-officio or upon request of either party. However… »

Neither a Compulsory License nor an IP Waiver is the Solution to Finding or Accessing the Vaccine

Since the pandemic seems to lose its impact and life is going back to normal, it may be a good time to look into the lessons learned so far from Covid 19 pandemic and make necessary preparations against a possible new one. The pandemic brought many discussions on IP rights from day one. As we all know, compulsory licensing was the first solution mechanism depended on by the governments as it was thought that the existing patent rights were the only obstacle to reaching a cure… »

New Regulations Expected For OTT Service Providers

With the bill known as ‘law against disinformation’,  there are several provisions specifically related to the Law on the Regulation of Internet Broadcasts and Prevention of Crimes Committed through Such Broadcasts (“Law No. 5651”) and the Press Law. The amendment proposals related to the Law No. 5651 and the Press Law have been on the agenda for a while of the publication of the bill. In addition to these issues discussed widely, with the bill, ‘over the top’ (OTT) services… »

SSI Publishes Amendment to the Alternative Reimbursement Regulation Upon Annulment of the State Council

In the cancellation action filed by the Turkish Pharmacist Union against some of the provisions of the Alternative Reimbursement Regulation (“Regulation”), the 10th Chamber of the Council of State decided to annul the attacked provisions of the Regulation on the ground that the Regulation was issued by the Social Security Institute (“SSI”) without obtaining prior opinion of the Ministry of Health. Upon the service of the court decision to SSI, due to the requirement to comply… »

Regulation on Pharmaceutical Warehouses and Products Available in Pharmaceutical Warehouses Published

On 15 June 2022, the Regulation on Pharmaceutical Warehouses and Products Available in Pharmaceutical Warehouses (Turkish language) (Regulation) was published in the Official Gazette numbered 31867. The Regulation abrogated the prior regulation dated 20 October 1999 and is now in line with Directive 2001/83/EC on medicinal products for human use. Pharmaceutical warehouses are defined as establishments where one or all of the activities of procurement, storage, sale… »

Medical Devices: Draft Communiqué on Instructions For Use in Electronic Form Published

On 30 May 2022, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (Agency) published an announcement (Turkish language) on its official website, stating that a draft Communiqué on the Instructions for Use in Electronic Form for Medical Devices (Draft) has been prepared and asked stakeholders to provide feedback on the Draft. As part of Turkey's alignment process with EU law, the Draft has been prepared in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2226 laying… »

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