

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

Guidelines on Donation of Non-Approved Drugs

On 28 September 2022, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (Agency) published guidelines (Turkish language) on donation from abroad of human medicinal products that are not approved in Turkey on its official website. The guidelines have been prepared to determine the procedures and principles regarding donation from foreign companies within the scope of the Regulation on Licensing of Human Medicinal Products. The most significant provisions of the guidelines are… »

Guidelines on Use of Cookies in Turkey

The Guidelines on Use of Cookies (the “Guidelines”) was published by the Personal Data Protection Authority (the “Authority”) on June 20, 2022 which outlines good practice examples to guide data controllers. The Guidelines explain principles on use of cookies for data controllers to process data on legal grounds, use appropriate privacy notices and obtain explicit consent from data subject legally. Cookie Types Cookies are defined as low-sized, rich-format texts that allow… »

The Dangers of Basing Preliminary Injunctions on Determination of Evidence

Determination of evidence, which is one of the most important temporary legal protection measures regulated in our law, is an institution that ensures the protection of evidence that will assist the proving of the matter. Considering that the adversarial trial process is adopted in our civil procedure law, the significance of the right holder being able to have the evidence which will help them prove their rightness effectively determined, is clear. However, as will be… »

Turkish Court of Cassation’s Recent Decision on Search and Seizure Orders is Strengthens the IP Owners’ Position

In Turkey, following the criminal complaint route against counterfeits is very effective, yet several criminal courts are becoming rather hesitant to grant search & seizure warrants. The most problematic courthouse in this respect has been Istanbul Courthouse for quite some time and this courthouse is very important as its jurisdiction covers very significant locations for brand owners, such as Grand Bazaar, Taksim, Tahtakale etc.. The criminal courts of Istanbul… »

Amendment on the Decision on Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use

The Presidential Decree numbered 6365 Amending the Decision on Pricing of Medicinal Products For Human Use (“Decision”) was published in the Official Gazette numbered 32008 on 9 November 2022. The following paragraph has been added to Article 2 of the Decision: “Discount practices that cause temporary price changes in country/countries where the product is offered for sale, special practices related to product classification and taxation practices shall not be taken into… »

Misbehaviors of Employees, Which Do Not Reach The Level of Bullying Yet Disrupt the Workplace Peace, as Valid Grounds For Termination

According to article 25(2)(d) of the Turkish Labour Act,(1) an employee bullying their employer, one of their family members or another employee constitutes a just cause for termination. Several precedents of the Court of Cassation state that "bullying" refers to threats, insults or battery. That being the case, employers often wonder whether other acts of misbehaviour by employees, which do not technically qualify as bullying yet disrupt workplace peace, may constitute… »

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