

We share our knowledge and expertise to update our community and clients about legal developments in Turkey.

New Regulation on Medical Device Clinical Trials Published

On 8 July 2022, the Regulation on Medical Device Clinical Trials (Turkish language) (Regulation) was published in the Official Gazette numbered 31890, repealing the former regulation dated 6 September 2014. The Regulation, which came into force on its day of publication, introduces amendments to ensure clinical trials comply with the Turkish Medical Device Regulation. The Regulation sets rules in connection with the functionality date of the European Database on Medical… »

Decision on Pricing of Medicinal Products For Human Use Amended

On 8 July 2022, the Decision Amending the Decision on Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use (Turkish language) was published on the Official Gazette numbered 31890. The Decision on Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use (Decision) is the legislation which set the rules on pricing of the human medicinal products. The amendments to the Decision include: An increase in pharmacist profit rates to be applied when determining the retail sale price of the products. A new… »

Regulation on Clinical Trials of Medicines and Biological Products Amended

On 6 July 2022, amendments (Turkish language) made by the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency to the Regulation on Clinical Trials of Medicines and Biological Products were published in the Official Gazette numbered 31888. The amendments: Introduce new provisions regarding the clinical trial application procedure, exceptional trials and the Agency's authority to obtain scientific opinion from a scientific consultancy committee while evaluating clinical trial… »

Patent and Trademark Office Implements Service by Publication Procedure

There previously used to be delays in the notifi cation of documents to applicants due to their failure to inform the offi ce ofaddress changes A provision was added to the IP Code in order to fi nd a solution to the issue of serving documents to rights holders All documents that could not be served due to an address change have now started to be served via publication through an Official Bulletin In the past, there used to be delays in the notifi cation of documents to… »

Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technologies and Their Impacts on Brand Protection

In recent years, developments in digitalization have started to make crucial impacts on many fields, including intellectual property, from creation to monetization and enforcement levels. Brand owners and brand protection professionals are heeding updates in artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain-based technologies such as smart contracts, metaverses and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), with total market trading volume of approximately $12.13 billion only for the first… »

Validity of Release in Settlements Made Before Mediators

Release agreements that concern employee receivables from employers are subject to certain formal requirements under article 420 of the Code of Obligation No. 6098 (TCO). In this regard, the following conditions must be met: release agreements that concern employee receivables from employers must be executed in writing; at the date of release, at least one month must pass from the date of the termination of employment; the type and amount of the receivable subject to release… »

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